Saturday, March 1, 2008

Republicans and Conservatives, I Beg You

It obviously has not occurred to the Obama groupies that there is a reason Mr. Obama talks but never says anything. His real agenda would scare even most of "liberals". On the rare occasion he makes a specific statement he is shown to be an uninformed fool. The racist support Mr. Obama receives from the black population and the vacant headed adulation he receives from the white population is absurd if not funny. What is totally unfunny and will prove tragic is the support Mr. Obama is receiving from misguided Republicans and worse yet conservatives. Blind hatred is a fatal affliction. The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend. Our hate and fear of the big fish has caused us to feed the little fish until he is so big that he will devour the old big fish and then us. I beg you. Do Not Cross Over To Vote For Barak "H" Obama in Texas, Ohio, or Anywhere Else. If you want to send a message, don't cross over and vote for Oink or Boink

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