Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hillary Clinton works on her body language!

Hillary Clinton is trying....and trying hard to improve her body language. She makes eye contact, tilts her head, smiles a lot more and God help...even laughs. A definite attempt to soften her image. The wooden look is gone. The Washington Post reports that though her movements are deliberate, she conveys warmth now. It didnt matter what the questions were at the Democratic Debate on Wednesday, she kept cutting in and anwering it her way.
Candidates have hired communication experts to teach them how to "loosen up" and as the debates get closer to the elections, such advise is crucial.
Clinton apparantly has been getting and taking some massive advise on that score. Her selection of outfits - the pantsuits are giving way to skirts, pastels have given way to colours, she was in electric orange at the debate on Wednesday while the only concession to colour with the male candidates was that four of them wore orange ties!

She's so patently fake that everyone notices and the media is so enraptured by her that they exult over how "warm" she appears now, ( pardon me while I puke) even while they tell you that it's the result of coaching because she's basically a complete sociopath. What's next, headbands, pink Jackie-O jackets or maybe Martha Stewart cookie recipes. Hillary is the very definition of a political prostitute!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Big Question: Is America right to demonise President Ahmadinejad of Iran?
Why are we asking this question now? Because of the furore surrounding the visit of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to New York for the UN general assembly session. He was greeted by headlines in the New York tabloids which screamed ''The Evil has Landed'' and ''Madman Iran Prez''. (Snip) Is he convincing on the nuclear issue? Yes, actually. He noted that Iran is within its rights under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes .

Only a liberal would ask that question!
That is a ridiculous question. The Big Question is, actually: How did the civilized world get to this low point - in such a short time -- since WW2? Have we learned nothing? My God, lady -- Hitler spoke to international gatherings while killing Jews & homosexuals,
Oh heavens, no, let's not "demonise" him. Let's sit as quietly as English church mice as he proclaims that he will wipe a country off the map and as he hangs purported women adultresses from cranes. No, let's be vewy, vewwwwy quiet and maybe he won't attack us yet.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Team Clinton can't explain ignoring warnings on Hsu.

WASHINGTON - Hillary Clinton's campaign couldn't explain yesterday why it blew off warnings about felon-turned-fund-raiser Norman Hsu - and the Daily News learned FBI agents are collecting e-mail evidence in the widening scandal. Clinton was forced Monday to give back a whopping $850,000 raised by convicted scam artist Hsu after learning his investment ventures were being probed by the FBI as a potential Ponzi scheme.

What's to explain. Hitlary never saq a dollar she wouldn't take. Her and her hubby are as corrupt as can be. She tried to get away with "donating" $23K to charity until the Hsu wound up a fugitive, an then she mysteriously found $850K. Give us all a break.

I wonder when the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy will be blamed for

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

God Bless all the victims of that day, their families, friends and friends. And Bless all those who gave their lives to save others as well as all of those STILL putting their lives on the line in Iraq and around the world to ensure that something like this never happens again.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Fugitive Hillary Clinton's fundraiser Hsu captured
Fugitive political fundraiser Norman Hsu, who skipped out on San Mateo County authorities this week rather than face sentencing for a 1992 fraud conviction, was apprehended Thursday night by federal and local lawmen in Colorado.
Just once it would be refreshing to see this as the lead trumpeted story with Hillary's name implicated on all the main TV networks, like they always do when a Republican gets caught...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Why Are Liberals Are Turning on Ted Kennedy

Liberals Are Turning on Ted Kennedy
Alec Baldwin: . "I feel sorry for Larry Craig. Truly," Baldwin wrote in a two-paragraph commentary at on Saturday, the same day the Idaho Republican announced that he would retire from the Senate.
"Craig has been behind some of the most intolerant and anti-gay legislation that a US Senator could put his mark on. Now the very condition that drives countless gay men and women into the closet, the bathroom stall or the hospital may have claimed Sen. Craig himself."

Alec Baldwin has no pity for anyone except himself but he does crave attention.
Hey Mr. Smart Alec...shut the F up and go home to France like you promised you would do.

Monday, September 3, 2007

President Bush makes surprise visit to Iraq

President Bush makes surprise visit to Iraq.

President Bush landed in Iraq today on his third surprise trip to the war zone, this time intent on emphasizing his belief that the current strategy is working to ease violence. The visit, to a military base in Anbar province about 120 miles northwest of Baghdad, came on the eve of a crucial assessment on the progress of the war --and the success of recent U.S. troop "surge"...

Where is the MSM's coverage of this? Decency and good intentions along with an interest in finding the truth will always seem furtive an confusing to the MSM. After all, they are committed to Mrs Hillary Clinton and democratcic marxism and facts get in the way.