Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Team Clinton can't explain ignoring warnings on Hsu.

WASHINGTON - Hillary Clinton's campaign couldn't explain yesterday why it blew off warnings about felon-turned-fund-raiser Norman Hsu - and the Daily News learned FBI agents are collecting e-mail evidence in the widening scandal. Clinton was forced Monday to give back a whopping $850,000 raised by convicted scam artist Hsu after learning his investment ventures were being probed by the FBI as a potential Ponzi scheme.

What's to explain. Hitlary never saq a dollar she wouldn't take. Her and her hubby are as corrupt as can be. She tried to get away with "donating" $23K to charity until the Hsu wound up a fugitive, an then she mysteriously found $850K. Give us all a break.

I wonder when the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy will be blamed for

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