Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Big Question: Is America right to demonise President Ahmadinejad of Iran?
Why are we asking this question now? Because of the furore surrounding the visit of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to New York for the UN general assembly session. He was greeted by headlines in the New York tabloids which screamed ''The Evil has Landed'' and ''Madman Iran Prez''. (Snip) Is he convincing on the nuclear issue? Yes, actually. He noted that Iran is within its rights under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes .

Only a liberal would ask that question!
That is a ridiculous question. The Big Question is, actually: How did the civilized world get to this low point - in such a short time -- since WW2? Have we learned nothing? My God, lady -- Hitler spoke to international gatherings while killing Jews & homosexuals,
Oh heavens, no, let's not "demonise" him. Let's sit as quietly as English church mice as he proclaims that he will wipe a country off the map and as he hangs purported women adultresses from cranes. No, let's be vewy, vewwwwy quiet and maybe he won't attack us yet.

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