Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Problem With Obama

In a speech today Tuesday, March 18th, in Philadelphia, Sen. Barack Obama will attempt to diffuse the controversy over remarks made by his long-time preacher, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Aides say Obama will make a larger case for what his presidential candidacy represents, moving beyond the race discussions of the past.

My problem with this entire thing is that it on the surface what Obama is saying is that we have to understand that this type of rhetoric is common in black churches and therefore, acceptable..again I see this as causing more divide. I like a church where all are welcome. It is not okay for blacks and it is not okay for whites to believe and preach racial superiority. IT JUST ISN'T. No one would ever try to defend a church for saying hateful things against blacks. It isn't acceptable for a Protestant or Catholic church to say GOD DAMN AMERICA...therefore it should not be acceptable for a black church. Obama's attempt to rationalize this rhetoric only angers me more. America wants change...they want to grow not go backwards and this rhetoric is taking America backwards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the same problems with the jerk