Sunday, June 15, 2008

It’s All Over, The Liberals Officially Have Taken Over Hollywood and Television

It is over. Conservatives will no longer have even a single show on network television anymore.
Not. Even. One. And the same goes for Hollywood. It really is a shame.
Have you noticed that Liberals make and promote and distribute films about assassinating Ptesident Bush sex with animals, and sympathizing with child molesters and they call that "art".
A conservative is marked a racist for even thinking of the idea of making a picture about race..
When a show is about a black person, there is always diversity of skin color and nationality and sex espoused by the left, but never diversity of thought and ideology.
I used to love to watch the TV show “24″, but I began to lose interest over the course of last season as the show grew more liberal over the course of the season, when the storylines just got more and more annoying. The President’s sister’s ranting was grating on my nerves so much that I wanted Jack to put a bag over her head to shut her up as he did with his brother who was helping the terrorists.
What has happened in Hollywood? Can a industry really survive telling its customers they are stupid if they agree with the president of the United States?
This is another reason why I never watch any Award Shows any longer and why their ratings drop every year. Ratings dropped by a third compared to last year’s. And they continue to drop year after year.
I have to tell you that I was really happy when the writers were out on strike. I was able to watch some of my good old favorite old movies.

1 comment:

MathewK said...

On the plus side most things liberals take over eventually tank. It's just them and their sycophants who are left. They claim to be unbiased, but balance is really what threatens them the most.