Monday, September 29, 2008

The Democrats Caused the Financial Meltdown!!!

There is something genuinely sickening about seeing Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi and Reid and the others trying to stick President Bush and the Republicans with the blame for the financial meltdown that has put the American taxpayer in hock for the problem they created.
I am genuinely baffled by the Republican's refusal to place the blame squarely where it belongs when speaking to the American People. I detect a serious lack of cojones.
I just don't see McCain shoving this down the dems throats as he is too much a gentleman and wants to be seen as a peacemaker and bipartisan. McCain is going to screw around and blow this election which he has been handed on a silver platter. He and RNC have been given tons of opportunities and have failed to use them. One month to election and it is getting to be too late to turn the tide.

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