Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Obama Now Seen as Most Electable Candidate in Either Party

Sixty-six percent (66%) of Americans believe that Barack Obama is at least somewhat likely to win the White House if he is nominated by the Democratic Party. A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 55% believe that Clinton has a chance to win if nominated.
Both Democrats score higher than leading Republican candidates. Forty-eight percent (48%) say that John McCain would be at least somewhat likely to win if nominated. Forty-six percent (46%) say the same about Mike Huckabee and 37% believe Rudy Giuliani would have a chance.
Among Democratic voters, 77% believe that Obama would be electable and 76% believe the same about Clinton. However, there is a huge difference between the two among Republican and unaffiliated voters. Fifty-five percent (55%) of Republicans believe Obama would have a chance to win while just 28% say the same about Clinton. Among unaffiliated voters, 66% believe Obama could win while 57% believe Clinton could do so.
Among Republican voters, 68% believe that McCain would be at least somewhat likely to win in November if he is nominated. Sixty-four percent (64%) say the same about Huckabee and 57% believe Giuliani would have a chance.

I don't get it...what is so electable about a Black Junior Senator with a rotten voting record?

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