Sunday, May 11, 2008

I Will Vote For John McCain. If You Don't Want To, Then So Be it

Some diehard conservatives like Sean Hannity, Rush, Coulter etc probably will not endorse John McCain. I say, too bad!
I have no problems with John McCain and even if I did, I'll be damned if I would EVER vote for Hillary Clinton OR barack Obama.

McCain has made a few blunders, but he also has been saying some of the right things.
McCain is pro life, pro military, pro America, strong on the Second Amendment ,strong on the WOT, supports lower taxes and vows to appoint justices to the USSC who will follow the Constitution. And still that's not good enough. The so called base still needs to be soothed and comforted like the tantrum throwing babies they have come to be. But, they'll never be satisfied no matter what McCain does. Now, they're whining because he's trying to take the "High Road" . Give me a break. Go vote for whoever you want to, but don't come back whining when Obama the Commie is elected because you wanted to "sit it out" like a cry baby just because the man you wanred did not get the nomination.
I will vote for John McCain, Melanoma and all.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Wright Is Wrong

Wright is wrong. He is racist and uses his religion as an attack on all whites as if we can be lumped together. Obama's continued support of this weirdo leaves me to question Obama's integrity. I listened to Wright at a recent event and his words are destructive. He is angry and wants to blame the white person for all of the woes for those blacks who need a scapegoat. Say what you will, I know where Hillary stands when it comes to racism. She knows there is no place for it under any disguise. Obama is a chicken and continues to show his inexperience and arrogance by his statements. People still nedd to hear him and Clinton debate. I heard this weekend many people discuss the need for more information on just who is Obama. All he seems to declare is change. The only change we need is to have Hillary as President to get our country and our dignity back. Obama is so clueless as to how to attain this and his speeches prove this. He is nothing but empty promises and rhetoric.